Avo-Rein Tereping from Tallinn University and Sandra Vill from Tartu University Hospital Ear Clinic
were awarded the Audiology Scholarship for conducting a study of the hearing acuity of Estonian schoolchildren.
The aim of the study is to get an overview of hearing acuity and possible hearing loss among
Estonian schoolchildren. For this, an audiometric screening of Estonian schoolchildren will be
conducted. The target group are 9th grade students. The test group consist of 1000 school students.
Prior to the test, students will be given a 45-minute lecture on the causes of hearing loss and the
risks of hearing loss from listening to music with headphones and loud music in general. The lecture
will also go over general hearing hygiene. All test subjects will receive a non-personalised
(anonymous) written assessment of their hearing acuity as feedback. If the hearing loss is greater
than 30 dB, the parent will be notified.
The study will follow all requirements related to human studies. The personal data of the subject will
not be recorded. Only generalised and statistically processed data will be used for publication.
Descriptive statistical methods will be used to analyse the results of the screening test. The results
will be published in the journal Eesti Arst and in some international journals.
The study has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.
The study has been postponed due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
6. detsembril 2012 valis Aadu Luukase SA nõukogu MTÜ EMERK Audiere kuue 2012. aasta Aadu Luukase SA missioonipreemia nominendi hulka. Sellele kõrgelt väärtustatud tunnustusele lisandub ka rahaline auhind - 6400 eurot, mille oleme otsustanud suunata audioloogia stipendiumi fondi. Missioonipreemia statuudi järgi pälvib selle isik või organisatsioon, kes paistab silma Eesti ühiskonna tasakaalustatud arengu ja meie rahva elukvaliteedi edendamisega. Just noori ärksaid audiolooge koolitades saame me preemia vääriliselt seda eesmärki täita. Täname austatud nõukogu usalduse ning tunnustuse eest, täname meie kandidatuuri esitajaid, kõiki koostööpartnereid ja kaasaelajaid jätkuva toetuse eest!